July 23rd, 2023
Common Sense Media Age: 11+ Sex 2/5 Language 3/5
My Age Recommendation: 11+ (Due some innuendo and brief strong language).
I was extremely confused about this movie when I first heard about it. The trailers never seemed to fully explain what this was about, and to my knowledge I thought this was going to be a kid's movie. When I saw an updated trailer saying this would be PG-13, I knew this might be a little more funny and more serious than I originally thought, and I was right only about the comedy. The story is set in a world where there are two places, Barbieland where all the Barbie's live, and the Real World, similar to our real world in which people play with the dolls who are living in Barbieland. One day, the stereotypical Barbie (that is her name) starts to feel down and have thoughts that most Barbie's don't, so she ventures off into the Real World to find who is playing with the doll version of her to hopefully fix herself. Along the way, she discovers that the Real World is not like Barbieland, in which men are in control for leadership positions and women are treated like second class, and Barbie must find herself and who she really is in order to navigate the Real World and find her person. Can she survive reality? Let me say, this movie was disappointing. The story was okay, but it was uneven for the most part and it jumped all over the place. There were many long and random sequences that did not aid the story at all, but there were some comedic moments in those sequences that I did enjoy. Speaking of which, probably the only thing I enjoyed was the comedy and the timing of most of the jokes throughout the movie. Other than that, it was very uneven. The characters in the Real World were not developed as much even though they were given a lot of screen time for them not to be, and this made it hard to really care for a lot of the main characters from the Real World. the first half of the movie was great characterizing a dramatized version of the real world, however towards the "climax" of the film it got incredibly over-the-top to the point where the effect of the women regaining control of their land was kind of lost. And yes I do know most points of this movie was over-dramatized to prove a point, but some moments it became too overwhelming and took away from the underlying message. Overall, I only recommend this movie to people who like or have been inspired by Barbie, but even then, you are in for a confusing ride.
