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Writer's pictureDeven Shah

Cocaine Bear ★★★☆☆

Common Sense Media Age: 17+ Violence 5/5 Language 5/5

Drugs 5/5

My Age Recommendation: 16+ (Due to strong gory violence throughout, pervasive strong language throughout, and frequent drug usage).

I saw this trailer a year ago in a theater and thought that this was going to be the dumbest movie in the world. When the increased advertisement for the movie started a few months ago, I started to get hyped up for this movie, despite knowing it probably won't be great. The movie follows a bear who ate cocaine that fell from a smuggler plane that went down. With the kilos of cocaine riddled across the forest, the bear eats a lot and goes on a rampage. When a 13 year old girl goes to the forest along to hike, she gets taken by the bear, and the mother must get her while avoiding the drug dealers trying to recover their cocaine and the park rangers who seem to have major communication issues. Will any of them survive the Cocaine Bear? Let me say, this movie was extremely funny and entertaining. It was incredibly violent at times, hilarious in other moments, and kind of tense during others. The movie itself was entertaining and left me feeling good as I left the theater, but as I thought before I watched the movie, the characters and story was practically non-exsistent. The characters were not developed, the story was clearly just entertainment without any sort of pacing or set story, but I expected it from this. Overall, this is an entertaining movie everyone should watch, but don't go into it wanting a story or decent characters.

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