After getting the day one screening in IMAX 3D for this movie, I was beyond excited for the entire month. I have been waiting to watch a Deadpool movie in theaters for a while now, and this one did not disappoint. The story is simple, Marvel is at a low point so far and Deadpool gets called out for breaking the TVA's rules many times, which has now put his world on a doomsday path unless he does what the TVA tells him to do. He obviously does his own thing and teams up with Wolverine from a different timeline in order to stop the Time Ripper from destroying his world. I will say this was the most fun I've had watching a movie in a while. I think this movie is the funniest by far and the jokes are near constant from start to finish. Pretty much all jokes made the theater laugh, however the cameos also worked well. There were a crazy amount of cameos, and some characters stay throughout the entire movie as well, and the fan service worked really well with the story and its progression. I will say I was concerned about the cameos overshadowing the story and meaning throughout the film, however the characterization of Wolverine and Deadpool from the beginning to end was pretty good and I do think that the cameos aid to the plot. I also loved the cinematography and the camera movements, and similar to Deadpool 1 with the intro sequence, this one was over the top and shot really well. I saw this movie in IMAX 3D and it was truly mind-blowing. The IMAX screen itself was not a full sized one, however the size didn't matter since the 3D effects enhanced the fight scenes beautifully and the sound itself was consistently loud and immersive. The IMAX screen did have a laser system (which in theory is capable of 4K projection) and it looked great in 3D considering sometimes 3D can limit the quality of the image. I do recommend seeing this film in either Dolby Cinema or IMAX since it helps during the fight scenes and it really makes the movie immersive and fun. Overall, this was an amazing and hilarious movie and it is easily one of my favorite theater experiences ever!
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