June 30th, 2023
Common Sense Media Age: 16+ Violence 5/5 Language 4/5
Drugs 3/5
My Age Recommendation: 16+ (Due to pervasive strong violence throughout, disturbing and distressing imagery, strong language throughout, and brief underage drug use).
When the second Extraction movie came out, Netflix recommended the first one to me since I haven't watched it, and they said it was their 'most watched movie' during quarantine, so I decided to watch it! The story follows a mercenary named Tyler Rake who is now broke and an alcoholic. A new mission is presented to Tyler which is to recover Ovi Mahajan Jr., a teenager whose father is the biggest drug lord in India, and Ovi is being held captive by Bangladesh's biggest drug lord. Tyler accepts the job and easily takes back Ovi, however backstabbers from both sides leave Tyler and Ovi stranded in India trying to reach the extraction point miles outside of India. To make matters worse, a ten million dollar bounty is placed on Ovi! Can Tyler save Ovi? Let me say, this movie was not as bad as some people say. The main complaint is that this movie, a lot like John Wick complaints, focuses more on the over the top violent action sequences instead of a story, which I think is partially incorrect. Yes, the action sequences are clearly amazing and a major part of the film, however the story is not neglected that much. That being said, there is little to no character development in this movie, and that is largely due to the fact that most scenes with Tyler in it involve violence. But other characters such as Ovi and the drug lords help develop the story and keep it from being an 'action-only' movie without a story. Overall, this is a decent action movie with an okay story but great action sequences!
