August 5th, 2023
Common Sense Media Age: 14+ Violence 4/5 Language 3/5
Sex 2/5
My Age Recommendation: 12+ (Due to strong action violence throughout including some bloody images, some language, and a brief suggestive reference).
Going into this, I already knew not to expect much. The first movie was decent with an okay plot line and somewhat favorable characters; however, this movie missed the mark completely. The story follows the same characters as they learn about a place 52 miles under water that is called The Trench. In this place, hundreds of Meg Sharks and other massive and aggressive creatures live here, and the entire sea crew wants to study these creatures further, which means sending Jonas along with his crew from before to go into the uncharted waters. When things go wrong, they have to survive The Trench and stop the escaped sea creatures from wreaking havoc on the mainland. Can they stop the Megs? Let me say, this movie was not enjoyable. There were maybe two or three scenes that were either funny or visually fun to see, everything else was extremely disappointing. The story was underwhelming and not developed at all, so the entire first half of the movie that took place in The Trench felt pointless and low-stakes due to the lack of explanation on what The Trench even is. The new 'human' villains also lacked any sort of characterization and same for the 'plot-twist' villain, which just took away from the supposed shock factor entirely. Returning characters also were not added upon characterization-wise and they seemed to be the exact same from the last movie with no changes or new ideas, which tanked this sequel. Overall, this movie might be enjoyable for shark fans, but is boring and underwhelming most of time!
