July 22nd, 2023
Common Sense Media Age: 15+ Violence 4/5 Language 4/5
Sex 4/5 Smoking/Drinking 3/5
My Age Recommendation: 16+ (Due to some thematic content and intense sequences, strong language, brief strong sexual content, and brief graphic nudity).
I first saw a trailer for this movie in my math class last year, and I was extremely confused. I knew about Christopher Nolan and how he always makes incredible movies, but a biopic? I didn't know how he would do it. Fast forward to two months before the movie releases, and the hype and anticipation was unlike anything I had ever experienced. Everywhere I watched some sort of media there was a trailer or ad for Oppenheimer, especially in the special 70mm IMAX format which features an actual analog film real displaying the movie in life-like clarity. I instantly bought tickets to see it in this 70mm IMAX format down at the Regal in Mall of Georgia, and it is safe to say this might be the best movie I have ever seen. The story has three continuous plot lines, one about Oppenheimer building and executing the first Atomic Bomb, another with the hearings regarding Oppenheimer's controversial opinions, and the final one (in black and white) being the hearings but from a different perspective! That is all I can really say about this movie without giving away too much! This movie is one of the best (if not the best) movie I had ever seen. The storytelling was unlike anything I have ever seen, the characters and character development was amazing, and of course the visuals were on point. I was extremely moved throughout this movie, and I have never felt so many emotions before while watching a movie in my life. The story is incredibly compelling and gripping to the point where certain scenes make you feel so tense that your heart is racing. The film also does an amazing job showing the aftermath of Oppenheimer's defining point in his career, with the hearings and the thrilling conclusion to the film. I was worried when I saw the movie would be three hours long, but it really did not feel that long at all, and the pacing was great in this movie with each plot line. In 70mm IMAX, I could see crisp detail that I have never seen on a movie screen in my life! The sound design (which was specifically for the IMAX DMR system) was amazing and I could feel every impact and breathtaking moment this film had to offer. Overall, this is one of the best films ever made, and I encourage everyone to see it in 70mm IMAX if possible because it makes all the difference!
