June 23rd, 2023
Common Sense Media Age: 12+ Violence 4/5 Language 4/5
Sex 4/5
My Age Recommendation: 13+ (Due to strong martial arts violence throughout, strong language, some sexual dialogue, and a brief sexual sequence).
I saw a few ads for this movie, and then my friend Mervyn said that he watched it early and said it was amazing, so I put it on the list to watch! The story follows an aspiring stuntwoman named Ria who makes stunt videos for her YouTube channel. When her biggest supporter, her older sister Lena, finds a man to get married to, Ria is convinced that something is wrong with the man and his family, and she is determined to figure out what it is and save her sister, even if it means going against her family to derail the wedding. Will she save her sister? Let me say, this movie was funny, heartwarming, and action packed all in one. The story was well written with the plot execution being nice and fast-paced without skipping out on character development or other important details. The characters themselves were extremely unique and well written which helped with the chemistry between Lena and Ria throughout the film. The comedy was well placed, and so were the twists and turns placed throughout the movie. Overall, this was a great movie that everyone should watch and enjoy!
