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Writer's pictureDeven Shah

Suicide Squad Extended Cut ★★☆☆☆

January 17th, 2020

Common Sense Media Age: 14+ Violence 4/5 Language 3/5 Sex 3/5

My Age Recommendation: 13+ (due to violence, brief sexual content, and language)\

When I first heard of this movie back in 2016, I wasn't old enough to see it. But I did remember that the reviews said this movie was a big disappointment. Now that I am old enough to see it, I decided to give it a shot. The story is that a woman has captured the worst criminals the city has ever seen, and has put them together to help stop a big bad guy who was supposed to part of this team. The team of course doesn't want to do this. I mean bad guys won't help. Or so they think. The woman put a tracking/bomb device inside each person, so one attempt to rebel and your dead. As the squad is being lied to about who they are facing, they find the truth, and it might be too late to stop the villain. The critics were right about this movie, it wasn't great. The shootout scenes were good, and same for the acting, but the plot had way more potential then what was actually shown. A lot of parts in this movie were unexplained, and then they continued the story with all these unexplained scenes. One instance is when a main character all of a sudden turns into a monster that can communicate with the villain he's battling. The story didn't say anything about this in his origin in the beginning. Overall, this is a good movie in terms of fun, but bad in terms of it's plot.

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