June 17th, 2023
Common Sense Media Age: 12+ Violence 4/5 Language 4/5
Sex 3/5
My Age Recommendation: 12+ (Due to strong action violence throughout, brief non-sexual partial nudity, and some strong language).
When I heard that Michael Keaton will return as Batman during the multiverse-exploring film known as The Flash, I was so excited. I was never a huge fan of Robert Pattinson as Batman and I always regarded Michael Keaton as the best Batman. On release day, I heard of the major box office flop of this movie due to Ezra Miller's (actor of the Flash in this movie) criminal record, so I was becoming wary that this movie may not be good. I was definitely wrong! The story follows Barry Allen in the Justice League, and he is not happy. He believes he is the 'janitor' of the Justice League and wants to do more. While running for fun, Barry runs so fast he enters the speedforce, a multiversal gate that allows him to travel back in time. He uses this initially to prevent his mother from dying, but after changing a small detail and returning to the future, his mother was alive but so was the 18-year-old version of Barry. Soon, a familiar villain seems to start wiping out mankind, and it is up to both Barry's to save this new universe. Can they save this universe without messing up any more time structures? Let me say, this movie was amazing. The visuals were great and so was the CGI during the speedforce and multiverse scenes. I loved the easter eggs and I liked the simple explanations of how multiverses worked. The story was good with a decent execution, and I was afraid that the long run time would make this movie feel like a drag, but the story was evenly paced. The cast was great too and I liked the new characters playing the heroes in the new universe. Overall, this was a great superhero movie and I highly recommend!
